Monday, December 22, 2008

Little update...

Nothing just extremely exciting except **CHRISTMAS** in a couple days!! Mike and I both just recovered from the awful stomach virus floating around. If you haven't gotten it yet...BEWARE!

Sophie is still growing and according to the books should be about 4lbs now. Her heart-rate is 149bpm as of our last Doctor visit. I've stayed stretched at 35 1/2 inches and weigh in at 132lbs. She seems to know things are becoming a bit too tight these days and tries very hard to kick through my stomach wall. No luck yet...but some days I think she could be successful. 34 weeks today!!

We want to wish everyone reading a Merry Christmas!! Lots of love and safe travels!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Sophie Bear...

Second sonogram yesterday and our little squished princess is as cute as can be, chunky cheeks and all. She weighs in at 3.13lbs and looks nothing like either Mike or I, with her flat nose and bubbly lips.

Here's her glamour shot at 7 1/2 months.

Only nine weeks or less to go. I now weigh in at 130lbs and have grown up another inch to 35 1/2. Doctor says everything is normal…my tummy measured perfectly and Sophie’s heart-rate is right on track. The nurse yesterday did a lot of measuring and checking of all vitals…PERFECTLY NORMAL. We’re so lucky this has been such an easy process. What a breeze…or should I not speak to soon before the actual delivery? Humm…better take that back for now!

Happy Friday to all! Have a great weekend!