Tuesday, January 12, 2010

School days...

We recently signed Sophie up for a music class in Apex. She will attend every Tuesday morning to learn the drums!! First class was this morning and she rocked it!! Singing and dancing, although still pretty shy...she had a blast! Wish I could have taken pictures but teacher [Ms. Erica] is pretty fast pace so it was merely impossible...SHUCKS!

For Aunt Jen and Uncle Chachie...We thought you might like to see the progress Princess Sophie has made for your upcoming nuptials in March...

As you can tell she's pretty proud along with her Mom and Pop!!!

Love to everyone!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Eleven Months...

Little Sophie girl turned 11 months old Sunday. She's got such a cute personality and a smile that melts your heart. Over the Christmas holiday she cut her top two front teeth and we're awaiting another two in the coming days. She's been quite the explorer crawling around getting into EVERYTHING! She LOVES bread [of all food?!?!] and drinking anything [by herself] with a straw. She's discovered her nose which is cute to us...but others around may be grossed out seeing her with her finger up her nose! She knows the word "No" and shakes her head at you...smarty pants!! She still loves music and dancing to any tune. She makes kissing noises and is quite the copy-cat!!!

She likes to be chased around and is ALWAYS smiling. When she's hurt...barely a tear! She's a tough one and totally independent...with a touch of a shy side. Just the sweetest little being who loves to have fun!! Hard to believe she will be a year old next month...[sigh].

Sophie had her very first E.R. visit last week [New Year's Eve]. She was deadly sick with a cold and stomach virus, on top of teething. She ran fever off and on and couldn't keep anything down so the clinic advised us to take her in case of dehydration. Luckily, she wasn't too bad off and we were able to take her home with just antibiotics...PHEW!! I don't think Mike and I would have been prepared for anything more!!

We want to congratulate Kris and Erin on their marriage celebration last weekend!! We had a blast and wish we could have stayed longer. Sophie wore herself out dancing to all the music!! Can't wait to see you soon...have a FANTASTIC honeymoon in COSTA RICA!!!!!

Lots of love to everyone reading and HAPPY 2010!!!!