Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Last day...

Today will be our last full day in North Carolina. Bittersweet because it is such a beautiful place to live and we've enjoyed getting to know the town of Holly Springs, not to mention our fabulous neighbors. Thanks to Ernie and Ann Olson for being our second family. Such wonderful people...Sampson thinks so too!

So if you're thinking of moving...DON'T! I, undoubtedly, can say packing/loading/moving STINKS....[yup, pretty much the entire process]. Mike and I have totally come to an agreement that we are NEVER moving again. [That should make our families happy] Poor Sophie is old enough now to understand her things are disappearing before her eyes but she doesn't quite understand why?!?! Everything we pack up she's right behind you saying "mine" with a pout. But with anything luck...our praying will do us some good and get our living situation figured out quickly.

[Just trying to get in trouble...]

Continue to pray for us for this week. Me and Sophie will be flying Friday morning while Mike and his Mum drive the vehicles back to TEXAS, through Saturday!!! Almost in the clear for our next life adventure!

Have a great day! Love.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Saturday night before our vacation to St. Thomas we get a call from my Mom regarding weather conditions in the Virgin Islands...not looking good. After long thought...we cancelled our [muchly] anticipated trip to the beach. As Sophie would say "SHUCKS!". Earl had other plans in mind for us...if not Bolongo Bay head to LUBBOCK!!

Sophie had no problems hanging out with family. In fact, she had a blast! She went swimming, rode a horse for the first time, and was practically at a petting zoo the entire trip. She loves animals and everyone in our family has them so she was in heaven meeting all the pets.

["Pa" blowing up the pool]

Swimming was too fun! Her and Rammie did "splashies" for hours. Horse riding wasn't exactly the best experience for her but she liked to look at them and pet their noses. The chickens were too funny running around and she laughed especially hard when her uncles would chase them.


[Petting crazy chickens with Grandpa and Uncle Johnny]

She even got to see her Midland crew for a bit before the first Texas Tech game. [GO TECH!!] Took a minute to warm up but she took a liking to Reagan pretty quickly. They were hand in hand in no time at all!

[cousins Reagan and Mason]

Thanks to Jen and Chach for letting us bunk at your casa this time. Had a fabulous time with everyone! Love.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Nineteen Months...

Sophie is slowly becoming such an individual. Shy, cautious, super sweet, all girl and totally independent. Mike weighed her on the airport luggage scale and she's still only 21.5 lbs. Yup, she's a SHRIMP...short with a round belly. Her hair has grown past her shoulders and she brushes fly-away's back when they get in her eyes. [Sassy]

She's a TALKER!! New words all the time. Her favorites are...NO!, MINE!, and Shucks!. She plays soccer, dribbling [I believe the term is] her ball around the house. Two words...SILLY BANDS! New favorite show is Yo Gabba Gabba. Loves toe nail polish. Eating habits are getting better. New fruits to add to her and grapes. "More!, More!" She can spot the moon almost instantly and is quick to point it out to you. She went on her first picnic where we shoo'd flies. Needless to say, crawling is a thing of the past! "Ready, set, GO!!" [Imagine little feet pitter-pattering as fast as they can go]

[Kids Museum in Raleigh]

[Goodnight Moon]

I've said it before...Sophie loves, LOVES to dance. Favorite song to-date is Black Eyed Peas "I Gotta Feeling". Check her out...

Have a great week everyone! Love.