Tuesday, August 14, 2012

One Year...

It's finally happened.  Charlie is officially one year old.  [Sigh]  What another unique child we've created, Mike and I.  She's got to be the happiest tyke...all smiles and loves to laugh.  She's got an independent side and loves to explore.

Her year check-up today shows she weighs 21lbs and measures 30 inches long.

Everything goes in her mouth...EVERYTHING!  She likes to think she's a big girl and eat all food we eat.  Forget about that stuff called baby food...Icky.  She's the messiest eater but loves blueberry waffles and peaches.  Kinda might think about liking cinnamon carrots and still LOVES bananas.

She's still a butt-scooter and gets around very well.  She can roll over and get herself back to sitting-mode, which is new.  And she's taken 7 steps on her own before falling into someone's arms.  Pretty good...I'd suspect she'll be a toddler in the next few months.  She gives kisses...open mouth kisses but they're still sweet.  Can wave "Hi" and "Bye".  Pulls herself up in the crib and waits for you to get her.  Points with her tiny pointer-finger [a motion we know all to well with sister Sophie].  And likes to watch Yo Gabba Gabba and Blues Clues.

She's a dancer and gets so excited about dancing that she makes herself laugh.  She hates getting dressed or getting a diaper change.  Loves bath-time.  She thinks her sister is so funny and loves to watch her every move.  And...she's still a Daddy's girl.

Pure sweetness.  Happy Birthday Charlie Anne.

Love to everyone reading!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Happy Birthday [Party]!!!...

We celebrated Charlie's birthday this past weekend with family and friends since we'll be out of town on her actual birthday.  I decided this time around that the girls have really entirely too many toys so I went with a "library" party.  And since we LOVE Dr. Seuss I did all the decoration in a Dr. Seuss theme.  Super fun and so cute!

[Book signing table...]
[Horton and all the tiny specks...]
[I wrapped mini Dr. Seuss board books as favors...]

[Lorax lollipop mustaches...makes for great pictures!!!...]
[Jello and whipped cream parfaits...]
[Strawberry and marshmallow skewers as Cats Hat...]

[Thanks to my sis for making awesome green deviled eggs that we tops with ham...]

[And raspberry lemonade as the pink yink ink drink....]

Birthday girl absolutely LOVED all the attention.  Of course, she napped when everyone started to arrive...so we ate and everyone enjoyed swimming since, afterall, it was 102!!!  She got to swim for awhile then it was off for CAKE!  [or cupcakes]  

So really most babies are overwhelmed by the sound of everyone singing the Happy Birthday tune [off-key I might add] and be the center of attention, right?  Well...at least our first born was....but Charlie??  OMG...she was HILARIOUS!  Girl was bobbing her head [her signature dance move], looking around and laughing with a huge smile on her face.  Saying that she LIKED her special birthday song would be a total understatement.

[Uncle Jeff showing her how to pick up a cupcake...]


[Our beautiful baby girls...]

[Now see...didn't I say these would make great pictures??...]

[Cutie sister and cousins, Miley, Mason and Reagan...]

[Handsome cousin Joseph and his big boy haircut...]

Ran out of time for presents so we opened them after we got comfy in our Pjams.  Sophie helped show her how a present was to be opened and Charlie seemed to catch right on.  She LOVED all her cool books and toys.  Parents liked the clothes!!  WooHoo!!

[We even had to taste a book just to make sure it wasn't another cupcake....]

 Thanks to everyone for celebrating our Little Bit's 1st birthday.  We couldn't have asked for a better day for her.  Love, love, love!!