Sunday, March 13, 2011

Austin Trip...

We arrived home today from our visit to Austin for "Grandma's" birthday. And, of course, I bring my camera but don't take NEARLY as many pictures as I'd hoped. We had a great time eating our lives away and had some of the greatest food!! My new favorite...The Mighty Cone. WOW...who knew a trailer could create such a great thing?!?! Trailer food is AWESOME!!

Sophie was a total trooper this trip barely sleeping and loving the beautiful weather outside. We got to see the bats [or a "few" compared to how many will appear in the coming weeks] and BEAVERS!!! Austin?!??! Okay, so maybe they were more like water rats but it was fun listening to and watching the other out-of-towners snapping pics of "beavers" in the river. [Come on was a little funny.]

Let's, we pretty much just ate. Shopped the outlet malls in San Marcos and drove around campus to see where Daddy went to college. Sophie tried on her first pair of cowgirl boots, which she showed off to her Daddy. [Then we threw a fit because we didn't want to take them off] Ate some more...slept, took some crazy fun pictures in vintage clothes [which we can't wait to see]. Walked around the Capital Building, saw the HUGE "Teacher Rally" march to the Capital in protest of the budget cuts, and even saw numerous trees wrapped in crocheted...umm...socks!??! It was great!!

Grandma, thanks for letting us share your special day with you. And thanks for driving us all around town!!! We had more fun and truly needed the relaxation. [Sorry I tried to get us murdered] We love you and hope you had a great birthday weekend!!

Lauren, thanks for spending your Saturday afternoon and evening with us. Pizza was AMAZING and the company was even better! Safe travels home for Easter!

Love, love, love!!

1 comment:

Danny said...

I just found your blog and had to scroll back all the way to the beginning to see all the pictures of your adorable Sophie! She's such a cutie, and it's exciting to hear that you and Mike have another on the way. I hope you're doing well.