She sleeps just about the entire night only waking up once in a blue moon to eat during the wee-hours. [PHEW!!] She's recently started playing with her fingers and still likes to suck on her fists. She talks back to you when you ask, even if it sounds more like she's gurgling her spit, but its the cutest sound of communication. And her voice...its the sweetest, softest little sound.
[Talking to Sock-Monkey...]
She LOVES her mobile. LOVES bath-time. Likes to sit up so she can see the world. Looks around for her Daddy when she hears his voice. And is fascinated by Sampson. Sampson is actually quite fond of her too, sticking his nose on her cheeks and forehead to make sure she's okay. He'll give her an occasional lick if he's in the mood.
[Watching her mobile...]
Yeah...she's a perfect, happy little baby.
And, To Mike's great Aunt Betty...may she rest in peace knowing she will never be forgotten. What an ambitious, adventurous, loving yet crazy lady.
Love, love, love.
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