Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Five Months...


Charlie angel is already 5 months old. This month kind of snuck up on me [hence the reason for the late post] and our littlest princess has begun to do so much. She is grasping objects when held in front of her...all of which end up directly in her mouth. I swear she is cutting teeth. She's so violent when putting things in her mouth almost as if she is going to rip it to pieces. Crazy chick. She fights sleep. Is impossible to feed...moving her head everywhere to see everything and touching/pulling with her hands. Fun times.

She can hold her head up steady now and will do so in any seat just to show you she can. Sitting up at playtime on the floor is becoming a habit. Of course, with support of Mommy behind her. She also much enjoys laying on her back under her activity gym, on the couch or on the bed [with enough room to kick her feet continuously]. She is very ticklish on her thighs and shoulders. Is laughing a lot more. [So freaking cute, btw.] And ABSOLUTELY LOVES her Sophie girl. She watches her every move and thinks whatever she does is hilarious.

[Talking to Sophie...]

Sampson and Owen have been on her radar lately, too. Sampson more-so only because he is normally eye level with her highchair waiting for someone to drop food. She will reach out anytime either one is close enough to touch. And just within the last week or two she has totally become one with her voice-box. She can carry on a conversation for several minutes and when she does it's so amusing to listen to the different sounds she can create. Pure sweetness!

She'll go next month for her weigh-in and height check so I'll be sure to post the specs. She's growing like a weed!

Love to everyone reading!

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