Monday, October 20, 2008

Third and Final Trimester...

I thought I would drop a line to say how awesome and unreal this whole process has been. First and foremost, I have to give my wife all the credit in the world because she is tougher than I am, and has been in a great mood this entire time. She is still so tiny and cute!

Back to the baby. Sophie (or Phosie as she is now called by our niece), has been good for the most part, kicking a little so I could feel her. We have painted her closet, arranged her room and bought her some books, and are ready for her to arrive. We also got a ton of girl clothes from Jeff and Sonja, so we will be saving hundreds and hundreds of $$ over the next couple of years (thank you so much)! It is still pretty hard to believe we have a little bun in the oven, but it is also pretty cool. I think we are just about as ready as can be to be parents and don't think this little girl will lack in the love department. Between us, the Grandparents, Aunt's & Uncles, and our friends, little Phosie will be about as spoiled as they come. Thanks for reading our blog and supporting us during this process. We love you all and can't wait to share our little girl with you.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Little More...

Six months and a few days today. Mike measured my tummy again last night and I haven't grown anymore since our Oct. 3rd post. Although, it seems to be getting in the way much more often these days. I gained another pound however, right at 125lbs heavy!!

Here's my watermelon as of last night...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Big Night...

Doctor visit, Tuesday, was pretty boring, to say the very least. Heart rate is down to 146bpm.

Last night was pretty exciting...Mike and I [and Sammy, of course] were laying in bed. Mike was about to start reading "The Giving Tree" to Sophie when I started to feel her moving around. Mike put his hand on my tummy and sure enough she started to kick! He got to feel her twice which was just awesome! I think she loves her Daddy...she gets pretty "energized" when he talks to her. Definitely have a "Daddy's Little Girl" on our hands! =)

Hope everyone is have a great week!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Short and sweet...

Mike measured my belly last night and I am up another inch from 2 weeks ago. I'm now at 33 1/2 inches round!! I don't have the biggest of appetites but somehow I've managed to gain weight, nonetheless...I'm up to 124lbs. now. No new news to report...we go back to the Doctor on October 7th so I'll be sure to post any exciting information then. Hope everyone is doing fabulous!! Love, love, love!!