Monday, March 30, 2009

2 Months Old...

Sophie will be 8 weeks old tomorrow!! I can't believe I am actually saying that as our time with her has sure flown by! She weighs roughly 11 pounds now and I'm sure has grown at least an inch if not two. She's packing on the layers and has completely filled out her cheeks.

She lifts her head like a champ and her legs are incredibly strong. She now smiles ALL the time at Mike and I and we just can't get enough of those! NEWS FLASH...Sophie is totally a big girl now...she loves to be held but don't dare carry her any other way but upright [unless of course she is falling asleep]. She must see what's going on around her and will make it very clear if she can't see! She loves to be changed or should I say she likes to be naked? Crazy woman...hopefully she will keep her clothes on when she's old enough to take them off herself...SHEESH! Car rides are great, she sleeps almost instantly. Bath time is still questionable.

She's sleeping very well now, sometimes five hours until she's ready to eat again which is AMAZING for me! She had her first taste of rice cereal last week mixed with formula and gobbled that down in a matter of 10 minutes. I think I can conclude that she likes it, what do you think?

On a sad note...

Our house has sold...well, officially on Thursday if the couple doesn't back out. I'm figuring we'll most likely close on April 30th. It's all happened so fast and we will be homeless come Thursday!! :( We fly to Boston this weekend and are checking out the housing in New Hampshire, so cross your fingers we find something while we're there...or not, if you're one of those people who don't want us to move. I wouldn't blame you!!

Well, that's all the news and updates I have for now. Sophie gets her two month shots next week and will fly for the first time on Friday. I'll be sure to post as soon as I can with those updates!!

Sorry for the novel...Lots of love to everyone reading. We hope you have a great week!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

One Month...

Sophie turned 1 month old yesterday!! Our little princess is so alert and stares at objects for long periods of time. Although she is not exactly responsive to all sounds just yet, we're anxiously awaiting the day she starts to smile at us. [Of course, when gas isn't related] Loud noises scare her so we know she hears, I think she just likes to ignore her crazy parents!! Smart kid!

We've been adventurous lately taking her out and about. We've gone on walks around the park with Sammy and have been to see Grandparents. She's even made her first trip to the mall!! Here's a picture after our walk yesterday...

She's had a few baths already but I never have had the camera handy. Mike was prepared last night though so here are a couple pictures of her getting all cleaned up. She's not real sure if she likes the water yet and definitely doesn't like getting her face washed.

And here's our little monster, clean and ready for bed...

Hope everyone is having a great week so far!

Love, love, love!!