Monday, April 25, 2011

It's a GIRL!!!

Yup, another girl for the Leary family. Charlie Anne weighs 14 ounces at just 5 months. She's perfectly healthy and growing at a normal rate and she couldn't be more loved, already. Sophie has wanted a "sisser" since the moment we found out we were pregnant and she couldn't be happier. She LOVES looking at the sonogram pictures saying "so tute" and was so amazed when she got to hear the heartbeat for the first time.

Funny how each baby IS TOTALLY different. I've been so sick with this one and she moves around CONSTANTLY as if my lower abdomen were a pinball machine. If that's any indication of how she's going to be when she's brought into this world...YIKES! More to come...

Happy Monday!! Love.

Happy Easter!!...

I's been many weeks and I haven't posted a single thing. I must admit this second baby has given me "heck" [no excuses] but I promise to be more on my game in the coming months.

So...where to start? Beginning of the month? Ok.

We started April off at Sesame Street Live. Sophie was very excited to see Elmo...until the lights went out and the characters started singing and dancing. She started pointing in the direction of the doors and said "Go Home!!". The first half she basically sat there then, intermission came and the second half was all singing and dancing, go figure.

On to Easter week...

Sophie had a super fun Easter Egg hunt last Wednesday with her little friends. So much fun and she LOVED playing with all the little peeps. Thanks again to the McQuerry Family for hosting such a fun evening!!

[Anna and Nate]

Can't have Easter without coloring eggs!! Thanks Aunt Jane for coming to color eggs with us Friday!

[Sophie's first colored egg]

And, lastly...EASTER!! Sophie was shocked to find the Easter Bunny had left her a bucket of goodies on the table where she eats breakfast. Then, he hid eggs all over the front yard!! Silly Easter Bunny...

[Sophie's very own butterfly in a jar...don't worry, it flys but only by batteries]

Hope there are enough pictures to update everyone, for now. Easter was a gorgeous day and we had a great time with all the family. We hope everyone reading had a fabulous holiday as well. Happy Birthday Pop-Pop!!

Love, love, love!!