Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Beach Babies...

Took a much needed get-a-way this past weekend to Matargorda Bay.  Perfect weather, little cloudy, some rain. Overall...greatness!

Not sure how busy this beach is during the summer months but this weekend...we had it all to ourselves.  And we'll definitely have to take family fishing here, for sure.  Beautiful birds too.  We got to watch a pelican and egrets from our porch everyday!

The girls absolutely LOVED being there.  They loved playing in the sand and Sophie much enjoyed find seashells.  We saw washed up jellyfish and Daddy made a super sweet sand castle!  The only negative to the entire trip was the swarming mosquitos!!  What purpose do they serve anyways?!?!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Sixteen Months...

Charlie, now sixteen months and we're eagerly awaiting CHRISTMAS!!!  This is going to be so much fun with our two bundles.  Already the lights and Christmas decorations have their eyes and every time we drive around they point with excitement.  So FUN!!

Charlie, Charlie...where do I begin?  She is so darn cute but so full of...attitude.  She has quite the temper but can be the sweetest most loving little angel.  Still very much a Daddy's girl... she even pulls "Bah-Bah" to the candy bowl thinking he'll give her whatever she wants.  I think she knows she has her Daddy wrapped!

Yup, she's LOVES candy.  New favorite eats are scrambled eggs with cheese and Welch's fruit snacks.  She likes Capri-Sun pouches too.  Her word for more is "Mah-Mah"...and we literally hear it ALL DAY.  She loves to eat but only things she WANTS to eat.

Okay, so its pretty obvious Charlie wants a bike.  Sophie got her trike for Christmas a couple years ago so she rides it around a lot.  And any time Sophie is not riding it Charlie is [attempting] to get on.  Yup, we've seen her go down fairly often so in the coming DAYS let's hope she'll get her wish!! [Thanks Rammie!]

She has a thing for birds.  LOVES birds.  Loves bathtime...hates getting out.  Likes to pull her shirts up over her belly...and, of course, walk around like that.  She likes to be held...then she likes to walk, then she'll run into your legs and hold on until you pick her up again [only seconds later].   Books, likes to read books.  And has totally figured out how to get sister in trouble when she wants something of hers. We've caught on though.  Yes...these next few years will be...ummm...exciting?

Have a great week everyone reading!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Sophie's Afternoon Projects...

Sophie has somewhat weened herself of all naps...I only make her take one if I think she absolutely needs it. [Usually when her inner Hulk emerges.] So, with this we have some time to ourselves since Charlie still has her afternoon nap.

What better time than time of learning science!!  [And other fun activities] Here are some super fun things we've done.  All have kept her busy for near HOURS! And she still requests play time will all of them...

Moon/Cloud Dough...

Texture project...And it smells nice...[Pardon her "awesome pink lipstick"]

Baking Soda and Colored Vinegar Dropper...

Ivory Soap Bar in Microwave...

Microwaved for mere seconds...
Looks like a big cloud...

Jelly Bean Bracelets...

To be continued...

Fifteen Months...

Fifteen months and our life is finally settling to a norm.  Our Little Bit has grown to be such a big-little-person and she is definitely proud of her recent accomplishments.  Things like climbing the stairs, crawling up into seats or stools and balancing herself when stepping off a step.  We still haven't quite mastered stepping up but we can definitely step down!

Come to find out she is actually cutting EIGHT teeth right now.  All coming in super slow making the process even that much more miserable for her.  And us.  She bites shoulders, the couch...and even rubs her face on the carpet.  Seriously...looks incredibly painful.  

She LOVES books.  Especially ones with animals so she can point and giggle at them.  Tells very interesting they seem, we can't understand a word of them.  She gets her lips moving, her fingers pointing at things and her eyes look around as if she is really telling you what's on her mind.  

The blue bird...LOVES the blue bird.

She uses words like "Yeah" and "Uh-uh" for yes and no.  She does the [side-eye] look when you ask her to do something and she's pretending to ignore you...only to look at you from the corner of her eyes to see if she's going to get in trouble, add in the rebel grin too.  Sheesh...we are totally in for it with this feisty chick!

New food favorite...cheese sticks and yogurt.  She can high-five, point to noses and LOVES brushing her teeth.  She also does this really cute walk around the house all while swinging her arms clapping.  She does it ALL the we are branding this her signature move! 

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Houston Zoo...

While my Mom was here visiting we thought a trip to the Houston Zoo was a must.  Even though it rained on us pretty much the entire time it was SO MUCH FUN!

Sophie got to feed the Giraffes. And Charlie LOVED looking at everything all while pointing and laughing.  We took cover at one point [from a down pour] into the small aquarium...Charlie loved checking out all the fish.  And Sophie and Daddy scooted through an underwater tube.

Definitely exceeded our expectations. So much so, we are MOST DEFINITELY getting a membership here so we can go anytime we want!

Motherly Love...

Sophie's Favorite...Isn't he beautiful??

Thanks to Rammie for visiting us.  It was nice to have help with my little munchkins...and help Christmas shopping!!

Love, love, love.