Monday, March 12, 2012

Seven Months...

Charlie is 7 whole months today. Days are literally flying by and she's already sitting up on her own. Of course, she falls over every once in a while [Note to self...always create pillow barrier around her when she's sitting on the floor; to avoid creating huge knot on head] but for the most part she can sit all by herself.

She cut her first two teeth. Bottom two nonetheless and LOVES biting on things. Is almost passed the spit-up days [unless I say this, then she spits-up all day long]. Still not interested in solid food eating but LOVES oatmeal mixed in her bottle of formula. She won't even drink straight formula anymore nor will she drink anything that is not at the proper temperature. Spoiled little tyke!

She has taken an enormous liking to the swing out back. And laughs hysterically when Sophie bounces us on the trampoline. She likes the sandbox and feeling the sand in her hands [and mouth, who am I kidding?]. She'll stop wherever she is doing to listen and watch Mickey Mouse's Hot Dog song. She's a sleep fighter. Talks and screams really LOUD! And has sudden stranger anxiety.

Our sweet, HAPPY-ALL-THE-TIME "Little BIt".

[And a cute picture of the Three Musketeers...]

Love to everyone reading! Have a great week.