Monday, November 15, 2010

Twenty-One Months...

Several weeks late but as I said before this moving business is crap! We finally have a living room to "play" in and Sophie finally feels like she is back in her house. She's grown right before our eyes, yet again, doing big girl things and there's no stopping this chick.

[Sophie's Turkey Cookie]

[Decorating cookies with Davy and Johnny]

She likes "polish" on her fingers and toes. Picks out her own hair clips and loves to wear shoes. She's recently been able to match the colors to her puzzle, correctly. Loves lollipops. She goes everywhere with her baby and purse in tow [sometimes sunglasses too]. She does EVERYTHING you do, if you stand on a chair...she has to stand there too. Likes to give hugs and kisses or "huss and kiss". New favorite food...Welch's fruit snacks [if you call that a food] although she has taken a liking to green beans which is so random. But wait...I can't forget about Nanny's fruit and jello either...she LOVES that too! So sugar and green beans...yummo.

She learned how to scoot her ride-on toy with her feet. Loves chapstick and can do a really "funny face". She likes to pose for pictures now and will say "cheese" without being prompted. Of course, she has to see her picture immediately after you take it to laugh at herself. Such a character!

[Funny face]

Did I mention she did pee-pee on her potty?? TWICE!! We're not actually potty-training at the moment, I just figured it would be too much on a little person with the move and all but we practice. She even wipes for crying in the rain!!! Oh and she thinks her "Senny" [Aunt Jen] is hilarious..."Poo-Poo-Ca-Ca". No Jen, she didn't forget!! [LOL]

Well next up...THANKSGIVING!! Holy cow where did the year go?? Hope everyone has a fabulous holiday.

And...a huge CONGRATS to Chachie and Jen on their big news...a LITTLE LOPEZ!!! We're so stoked for you both...only nine months away!!

Have a great week to everyone reading. Love.