Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Oh So Sleepy...

Sophie's doctor visit last week proves that she is growing right before our eyes. She has grown an entire inch and his gained 8 ounces from her birth weight. Little piglet! She didn't much like the heel pricking for her screen tests, I'd have to say. Nothing her nuk couldn't handle though...that calmed her down after the initial shock.

Sophie still seems to have her nights and days mixed. She is getting better though so there is hope for Mike and I one of these years. We've tried to keep her awake but when she's out...she O-U-T! There's no waking her unless she remembers it's time to eat. Usually around 7 or 8pm she's suddenly wide-eyed.

We still haven't determined who she looks like exactly. I think she is starting to look more and more like her Daddy, frankly, and her strawberry-blond hair is, no question, a "Leary" feature.

So what do you think????

Monday, February 16, 2009

Eat, Sleep, Poop...


Wow...Mike and I still think this parenting thing is so surreal. We anxiously awaited Sophie's arrival for months and now she's been here two full weeks. Adjusting to our new lifestyle has been a challenge [to say the least] but definitely rewarding!

So the saying goes babies "eat, sleep and poop" and I must say Sophie's got the pooping part down. I don't think I've ever smelled such a scent in my life nor have I seen anything like it! She still has her nights and days mixed up so Mike and I are trying to get as much sleep as we possibly can but are so VERY tired. Our furry babies are taking well to their new little one. Sammy is "MR. PROTECTOR" suddenly, barking like crazy. He sniffs her cheeks often and gives her a kiss when we're not looking. Owen...hummm...he just likes to look at her from afar.

And of are a few pictures of our little Monkey. Enjoy!!

Lots of love to everyone reading!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sophie has arrived!

She finally arrived, Tuesday February 3 at 9:47am. She weighed in at 7lbs 2oz and 20 inches long. Mom is recovering well, Sophie is eating & pooping and dad has no complaints. Jacque's water broke at 10pm Monday night, along with her first contraction. We were in the hospital by 11 and things progressed very well until her entry into this crazy world. We hope to go home Thursday, but until Sophie does some more peepee, they won't let us. Here are a couple of pictures to tease, but will post more in the coming days. :) :) :) :)