Friday, May 29, 2009

Four Months...

We drove the longest distance I've ever driven, this past weekend, to our new home in Holly Springs, NC. Yup, we're finally here and getting settled as fast as possible. Of course the 25+ hour drive has Sophie not so happy about sitting down, EVER, right now. She was fantastic the entire drive up until about the last two hours. At that point, she wanted nothing more than to be out of her seat!! Luckily, Grumps and Memaw were to the rescue!! Grumps carried her all around and made funny sounds while Memaw fed, played and rocked her to sleep. It's always nice to have helping hands so THANKS AGAIN!!

Sophie turned four months old this week. She weighs 14.5 lbs [according to my scale] and is much more aware of her surroundings. She can grab her toys pretty well and LOVES to chew on things. We're awaiting a tooth in the next couple weeks, heck, maybe days. Oh, and she actually giggled at us a couple days ago. It's rare on a day-to-day basis but is so freaking hilarious! Mike and I were so proud and could hardly stop laughing ourselves.

Sophie keeping herself occupied on the road trip...

Sporting her new head-band...

And for the peeps that didn't get to see Sophie's "professional portrait debut", her are a few of our fav's...

Courtesy of Shari Henson Photography

We hope everyone is having a great weekend! Love, from afar!!

1 comment:

Sonja Leary said...

We already miss you TONS, but glad you made it there safe and soundly and your settled in. We heard the house and community is beautiful and can't wait to see it. NOW, you have to keep this thing updated more excuses. Give Sophie our love, oh, to you and Mike too :-)