Wednesday, February 3, 2010

12 Months...

Sheesh...One year old!!! Mike and I can hardly believe this day is actually here. Sophie is just a true blessing in our lives and she makes us smile everyday. It's so hard not to love this child more and more everyday.

So let's see...Sophie just cut her 7th tooth today [or yesterday but I noticed this afternoon]. She LOVES bread, cheese, yogurt and bananas. Not sure how much she weighs these days but we'll find out next Wednesday at her year check-up so I'll get back on that one. Still a dancing queen who loves to head-bang and wave her arms in the air. She's a crawling monster and has recently discovered how to make it up the stairs!! [Note to self...if you hear an evil for the stairs because she's probably half way to the top!!]

She loves to make you laugh in any way possible and loves watching Owen chase his mice around the house. She can pull up on anything and everything. She's even been pretty brave hanging on with only one hand!!! When reading books she must be the "page-turner" and her stuffed animals get the sweetest "lovies" I've ever seen!! She loves to give me and Mike hugs and will snuggle up to watch her favorite show, The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. year down with the sweetest and most beautiful little person!! Many more years to come and we can't wait!!

Love, love, love!!!

1 comment:

Keri said...

Happy Birthday to Sophie (a little late!) She is such a cutie and getting so big! Glad to know someone else has to suffer through Mickey Mouse Clubhouse too - that's Evan's favorite!
Lots of love to you all! Keri