Wednesday, February 10, 2010

One Year Check-up...

Perfectly healthy...well, almost. Sophie has another ear infection and ROSEOLA!! Icky!! She's feeling much better now and is back to her old self...playing with her mounds of toys, stealing Sampson's toys and poking at Owen's teeth. She weighs only 20lbs and is 27 1/2 inches long. A petite little thing but her Doc thinks she might hit a growth spurt soon. First round of shots were given [the other two will be given at 15 months] and a CBC to check her blood count. Of course, this part of any doctors visit is least fun but she was all smiles when I pulled out a Nilla Wafer. POOF...No more tears! [for me too!]

No new major milestones to report since last post. We are working on sign language and have been for about a week. So far Sophie has learned the signs for "more, food, please and finished". She's got another tooth coming in so the total count is up to EIGHT already!! But don't go sticking your finger in her mouth to feel around for may not get your finger back!! OUCH!

Hope everyone has a great weekend! Love.

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