Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Twenty Months...

Sophie turned 20 months old! [sorry, I'm alittle late] We already knew she was a "big girl" but I guess we underestimated how BIG she thinks she actually is. As most know we have officially moved back to LUBBOCK so being around family for her is HUGE! She's been hanging with her family and she's become a new person practically. She is more outgoing as opposed to being so shy. And she talks! She's her normal self...silly, sweet and fun! The side everyone gets to enjoy now!!

She says MANY words...her vocabulary count is near the 100s [if not more]. She loves airplanes..."AIRPANE"! She likes to color and play with her uncles trucks. She loves to be outside, making the rounds looking at all the animals on Pop Pop and Grandma's farm.

She likes to touch and feel EVERYTHING! Picking it up to get a closer look and see how it works is mere necessity these days, whether that be at home, outside or shopping. If she can reach it...it's in her hands. She likes to be tickled. Hates to go to bed and loathes brushing her teeth. She loves to jump on the bed or couch and can now climb up on the couch all by herself.

I'm sure I am missing so many more milestones here but frankly, my brain is out of sorts. We'll update again after we move in our house and, of course, for HALLOWEEN!!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful week. Love, love, love.

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