Thursday, February 3, 2011

Two Years Old...

I almost want to cry...or wait...I am crying...SHEESH! [Darn hormones] Sophie is two years old today and it's been the greatest two years of our lives [Mike's too, he told me so]. She is truly an angel and has developed the most loving and addictive personality. You can't help but want to watch her and be in her presence. Her smile melts the heart. And those eyes are killer. So sweet, so loving and just adorable. Smart as a whip, super independent and determined.

Lately she's become, can I say it??...MORE girlie. She puts on her own shoes. She LOVES the sunglasses Jen and Chachie got her for her birthday and now tells you how she wants to wear her hair. She's recently become fascinated with being naked and runs around dancing while her music plays. Yup, naked. We think its hilarious now but I can see us in a few more months begging her to keep her clothes on in mixed company.

She makes the funniest faces. Loves broccoli...?!?!? M&Ms or "num-nums" are so tasty and fruit, any fruit, can and will be eaten all throughout the day. She likes to ride her cars around the house with Dad. She loves trains or "choo-choos" and her train set. She loves coloring and blocks. LOVES bouncy balls. Balloons. What else can we ask for?? She's our perfect little Princess.

Thanks to everyone in our lives who have contributed to Sophie's happiness. We feel that everyone plays an important role in a child's life and we believe our little one has absolutely NO COMPLAINTS!! [just don't ask us again when she turns 13]

Lots of love, always, to all our family and friends!

P.S. - Yes, rumors are true. Baby Leary number 2 is due September 8th. :)

1 comment:

Keri said...

So glad Sophie had a great birthday. Can't believe she is already two! Lots of love to you sll!