Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sophie's Latest...

Sophie, Sophie...gosh, this girl is so BIG. Mike and I can hardly believe [as I've said before] where the time goes. It's hard, at this point, to keep up with all the "new's" since she is so active. She learns something new on a daily basis so this post I figured I would [try] to list as much "new" as possible...

1. She's almost got the entire alphabet nailed
2. And numbers 1-20...almost
3. Loves the word "No!"
4. Loves to watch her birdies and squirrels chase each other at breakfast time

5. Still not interested in the potty
6. Loves jelly's [shoes]
7. Likes to swim

8. New phrase..."Don't want to!!"
9. Wednesday is her favorite day [Storytime at B&N then playtime with friends]
10. LOVES to dance and sing [especially with Daddy]
11. Can't wait for sister Charlie to arrive
12. LOVES books
13. Likes ladybugs, real and pretend ones she makes up that crawl on her finger
14. LOVES to be outside

15. Still a total animal lover
16. Can carry on the best [and cutest] conversations with full animation

17. Has taken a recent liking to Where's Waldo?

[Playing Where's Waldo on my iPhone]

18. Now needs to use a "Big Girl Cup"
19. Loves to play in her sandbox
20. Might actually be afraid of the dark...[she must sleep with a lamp, closet light and her tykelight on] :(

There...some of her many but I'll try to keep better track so I can update more often! She's just a bubbly little person who continues to make us laugh and smile. To be continued...

Lots of love.

1 comment:

Keri said...

She's so cute and getting so big!! Love the updates. Have you talked Jennifer into a blog yet?? Can't wait to see you all!