Friday, September 2, 2011

Three Weeks...

Charlie will be three weeks old tonight and already she seems huge compared to when she was born. Her two week checkup confirmed she is growing rapidly, gaining a pound and an inch. Having had to take her blood sugar level so often in the hospital, Charlie is a pro at giving blood and didn't even cry when the nurse pricked her heel for the PKU test, again. Tough chick!

She's awake more during the day looking around at all her surroundings and big sister, of course. She's even a talker...already! She sleeps pretty good during the night hours sometimes even letting me get an extra hour of sleep in!! [Sweet child!!] Her hair is still pretty blond but in certain lighting looks almost strawberry-blond like her sister. Only time will tell what color it will actually be!

She HATES hiccups and gets super frustrated when she gets them, usually 2-3 times a day. AND...she turned over on the couch for the first time yesterday. Probably an accident but we'll record it anyways! HA!

Sophie is adapting as good as expected with the new arrival. She, of course, is super sensitive and might be a little jealous not getting ALL the attention. She is still super sweet and LOVES to give Charlie kisses and dance with her. Sophie talks to her and tries to teach her anything and everything she knows. I think time will develop an inseparable bond between these two girls.

So finally...PICTURES!!! Sorry it took me so long, I really anticipated having more time...[yeah right!!].

Have a great weekend!! Love, love, love.

1 comment:

Keri said...

She's beautiful!!! Love the picture in the basket - that hat is great! Ha! Lots of love to you all!