Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Two Months...

Yes,'s been awhile since my last post of Charlie. It's taken me that long to adjust to being a family of four and somewhere in between finding enough time to take pictures and type out what's new in our world. [insert deep breath here]

So...Charlie, Charlie. Well, after several weeks of pure pain in this girls life I think we've come to the conclusion that our little Monkey is allergic to regular formula. We tried the advanced, the sensitive, then soy and still no change...finally ALIMENTUM. The smell alone is atrocious but, after only a few weeks, it seems she might actually be taking to this new formula better. She still spits-up multiple times a day but at least the "explosions" have been cut literally to one a day rather than 10 [no joke]. We're hoping she will soon be 100%...our poor little girl.

On the flip side, she did gain a couple LB's weighing 10 pounds 12 ounces and looks a lot healthier with her chunky cheeks. She's 22 1/2 inches long. She's the sweetest most laid back baby and likes to be held on your chest so she can look up at you. She's not really a sleepier during the day and loves to just look around. I'm pretty sure she's quite fond of her much so she'll turn her head completely around to the sound of Sophie's voice. She's getting brave holding her head up on her own and she's so much more active moving her arms and kicking her legs. She loves to be snuggled. Finds a way to position her face under the blankets to sleep. Likes to suck on her fingers. And loves being outside. Car rides are great for naps as are stroller rides. And she's a TALKER, already.

Oh and...we're pretty sure we'll have another fiery redhead on our hands.

Lastly, I finally caught a SMILE on my phone the other day! So cute!

Love, love, love.

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