Saturday, June 30, 2012

Ten Months...

Charlie is now 10 months.  So much closer to being a year old!!!  I'm such an idiot and forgot to write down her measurements but I know she grew 2 inches and she weighs 21 pounds.  Sister weighs 27...sheesh, when it's put that way...she's a little porker!

She has six teeth and two more cutting through.  She'll probably have eight by weeks end and THANK THE LORD! Hopefully her craziness will wear down a bit.  She's been biting EVERYTHING and rubbing her wrist across her face so violently...its really a terrible thing to watch.  Poor babies.

But on the bright side...she LOVES the cereal puffs...Gerber any flavor.  Bananas.  Mac and cheese.  She's got her "pinchers" down so we put anything in our mouth now.  It's pretty neat watching her try new things and seeing her reaction.  Peas...definite NO.  Who likes peas anyways?

[Spaghetti Night...]
Okay...still not crawling.  No tummy-time either.  Its just sitting or standing...preferably the latter.  And if we don't feel like sitting when you are, be prepared for a TINY monster to erupt.  And hold your ears, the sound could deafen a person.  Oh and she has been doing this head-tilt thing...kind of alarming  months ago but now we know its just to get your attention.  SO. HILARIOUS.

[Head-tilt, only she was checking out her spaghetti...]

She's starting to talk a bunch now.  She makes certain noises for Dad and each of the animals [Sam and Owen].  And she loves to be tickled.  With the cutest laugh and scrunchy nose its hard not tickling her!

Hope everyone has a great week ahead!


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