Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Fourteen Months...

Good gosh..moving really STINKS!  It's like an entire month went by and now Charlie's another month old.  She's walking around EVERYWHERE now and is quite the little explorer.  Her most recent accomplishment is bending at her knees to pick up something then getting back to standing position without holding on.  She LOVES to sport her new sparkly pink Toms and will actually bring them to you to put on, even if she's in her pjam's.  She likes to step on things, which is always a disaster waiting to happen since she falls OFTEN.  She probably hits her head no less than 5 times a week and just recently fell and bit into her top lip.  She's a tough cookie though...still moving.  Sheesh!

She loves to get dirty.  Guess we should have caught on to that months ago when she started eating food.  She is by far the messiest eater, EVER.  And picky too.  She eats mac and cheese, chicken sticks, and fruit.  That's about it.  Oh and...BANANAS!!

Banana cheeks!
She talks more now and expresses her frustrations with a limp-bone tantrum.  Oh and add on the ear piercing scream...It's great.  She's definitely an independent little person at 14 months.  She loves to laugh and LOVES to follow her sister around.  Sophie sister is THE COOLEST.  She likes to bang on things.  Climb on the couch.  Flip through books.  Dance, especially to the Fresh Beat Band music commercials and Taylor Swift.

She snuggles and gives kisses.  Waves and can show you her belly when asked.  She's also cutting one [maybe even both] of her eye teeth.  So she'll have 10 teeth soon!

Such a sweet little person.

Love, love, love.

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