Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Four Years Old...

Sophie Leigh turns 4.  Wow...I can't even believe how time has flown by us.  I feel like we just brought her into this world and now we blink and she's four.   What a sweet, sensitive, strong willed, independent little lady we have.  She has such a great personality and is really the sweetest kid.  She gives the best hugs but sometimes she runs out of them.  She tells you she loves you out of the blue...sometimes more than the entire planet!  She is the best big sister...always checking on Charlie and making sure she has what she needs/wants.  She's not the type to be overpowering just because she's older either.  She truly attempts to teach Charlie and take care of her.

Currently, Sophie's favorite show [quite possibly] could be Doc McStuffins.  She likes to play doctor and has recently started interactive play with dolls/stuffies and princess figures.  She makes them say the sweetest things to each other...makes me smile. [But, of course, I'm not supposed to be listening]  If she catches me listening she says "Mawwwm!" or "Whaaat?".  She LOVES her stuffed animals.  This week her favorites are her new white tiger and her shaggy zebra.  They go everywhere with us...both of them...if one were to get left behind he/she would "be so sad".  And Charlie has to have a stuffed animal too.  Her imagination is...well...there really are no words to best describe it.  She's just so darn smart...the things she comes up with amaze us everyday.

Sophie loves music.  Bruno Mars, Fun., Taylor name a few.  She loves to dance and sings constantly.  Favorite movies Fantastic Mr. Fox and the Madagascar movies.  She likes art and coloring pictures.  Her little people drawings are seriously the cutest.  Finger painting, crafts...she loves it all.

She's a tiny person weighing only 32 lbs and is 38 inches tall.  She loves neon.  Pink is her favorite color...and I believe she received every neon pair of Gap skinny jeans the store has to offer for her birthday...[Thank you!]  She couldn't be happier.  She loves her charm bracelets.  Dresses.  Likes her hair in a pony.  And is very picky about her shoes.  Currently we love our pink rain boots.  When she does find a shirt or outfit she likes she'll ask to wear it EVERYDAY.  What can I say...she knows exactly what she likes... down to the socks...stripey ones!

Swinging is a new found achievement.  She, too, loves the new play-set and the big-girl swing is definitely her favorite now that she knows how.  She has several neighborhood friends, Sophia, being her bestie, Valerie the older cooler one and Evan, the little cutie that is believed to have a crush on her. She loves playing with them all equally and would, if allowed, everyday.

Gosh...I know there's so much more to say here but I think my novel is enough, for now.  To be continued...

We love you Sophie Leigh...Little Peanut.

And everyone reading...Have a great week.

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