Monday, June 24, 2013

Twenty One Months...

The little devil herself has turned 21 months.  She's such a stinker...literally...and she tell you so, then back up like a moving truck to let you take a look.  It's best just to take her word for it.

She's a climber.  Likes to climb all over the couch, in her highchair and now into her car seat. She likes searching for bugs and critters, only to say "Eww-eee" and run around it.  She has MANY new words...Hah-pane = Airplane, phone, Mill = Milk, Moo-wee = Movie, Sow = Show, Hi/Bye, Mow = More...and she sings "A, B, C" because sister sings it ALL DAY.

Eating...gosh, she HATES eating.  But we've managed to find a few favorites she'll eat, over and over again.  They include oatmeal, cheesy eggs, chips and queso, and rice and BLACK beans.  She likes her morning routine with a granola bar, milk and a SOOOW [show].  It's a must, every morning.

Let's see.  She's always putting things on her head...blankets, shorts, undies, dish towels...whatever she can find.  New likes...bouncy balls.  Her lovely corn-popper...Gee, thanks Rammie.  Loves to play on phones. "I Love It"...Icona Pop song.  Oh to watch our girls when this song comes on...the world most DEFINITELY is put on hold.  New movie...WreckIt Ralph.

More teeth??  Possibly...but they are being super stubborn if they are coming.

Hope everyone has a wonderful week!!


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