Thursday, January 22, 2009

Almost O-V-E-R...

Tuesday's doc visit went very well. Sophie's locked in position and from what Dr. Lawrence can tell is "Sunny-Side" up and ready for labor. I'm now closer to 2cm dilated so a little more progress has been made.

Newest scenario - If our little girl doesn't decide to come, in the coming days, we have the option to induce labor on January 27th at 5:00am. Although this process seems pretty scary it's also nice to think that there's a "PLAN" in place. [I know, you're thinking "Typical Jacque, always being organized", right?] Mike and I are still discussing this option as we can, indeed, decline. If we decline we'll have until February 2nd to deliver on our own. Then, another induction would be scheduled for February 3rd, should she still be stubborn. We go back for another checkup Monday so I'll be sure to post that evening what our plans are for sure. We like to keep everyone on their toes!!

In the meantime, Mike and I will continue to talk Sophie through the birthing process as she clearly seems to be nervous!

Hope everyone is having a great week!!

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